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03 November 2023
7:00 pm - 7:00 pm

Dead Time Stories Tour at RavenHearse Manor

Take a frightening tour through the RavenHearse Manor and learn the stories behind the mansion’s haunted halls…

Tour Schedule
September 8th thru November 4th 2023

Tours Offered:
Fridays, Saturdays, & Sundays

Tour Time:
Tour starts at 7:00pm and ends by 9:00pm
(Estimated tour time up to two hours.)

Additional Private Group Tours Offered
Tuesdays, Wednesdays, & Thursdays
(Minimum group size six people)
To schedule Private tours call or text 520-370-5472

By Prepaid Reservation Only
Minimum tour group size 6 guests.
Maximum tour group size26

Cost : 30.00 per person

Call ‪to Schedule: (520) 370-5472

RavenHearse Manor, 517 Parallel St.
Atchison, 66002 United States