Atchison State Fishing Lake


The lake covers approximately 66 acres and has extensive shallow water in the west end. The rest of the lake in characterized by flats on the northwest side and gradual to steep drop offs to 15 to 30 feet over the rest of the area. There are 182 acres of land adjoining the lake. Of this, approximately 136 acres plus the lake are open to hunting. The wildlife area is comprised of native grass and timber. The east side of the lake from the shoreline to the east property line is closed to hunting.

Primitive camping is allowed on the south and east side of the lake. Picnic facilities and restrooms are available on site. Rural water is provided at the southeast entrance to the area.

All the 136 acres of land are open to hunting and provide opportunities for deer, upland game , rabbits and squirrels. The lake provides good opportunities for waterfowl hunting especially in the west end.