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13 October 2023
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Circle of Art Black Cat Friday Fundraiser

Black Cat Friday is upon us! A week full of fundraising and community-fun activities. The works of artist Cindy DeGraw will be shown throughout the week.

Black Cat Bingo begins 10/9 and runs through Thu 10/19.
Black Cat Friday on Fri 10/13 with a Wine Tasting and silent auction.
Black Cat Watercolor Class on Sat 10/14. Sign up now before the seats are taken.
Draw a Black Cat Contest. K and 1st grade students from Atchison Elementary have drawn Black Cats. All drawings will be on display at the Circle of Art Atchison – COAA gallery and Backroad Atlas.
Winners and prizes will be given on Wed 10/18 at the Circle gallery. Proceeds will go to the fundraiser and to the Atchison Elementary Art Program.
Bingo and silent auction winners will be announced during Witchcrafting on Fri 10/20 before handing the weekend over to Witches Weekend hosted by Backroad Atlas .
This year’s Black Cat Friday fundraiser proceeds will go to the Humane Society of Atchison.
Circle of Art Atchison, 521 Commercial St., Suite A
Atchison, 66002 United States