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Missing cameras after a night at the Sallie House

“Juli from P.I.N.K. captured a couple of photos of what some think is a girl suspended in the air in the closet doorway of the master bedroom. Possibly Sallie? Another […]

“Juli from P.I.N.K. captured a couple of photos of what some think is a girl suspended in the air in the closet doorway of the master bedroom. Possibly Sallie? Another photo of what appears to be a woman in a period dress standing next to the bed in the master bedroom. Possibly Momma? This is strange, but possibly paranormal. We have lost video footage from 4 different cameras that were set up in the house all the same time frame. The nursery from 8:30 P.M. to 10:30 PM and 1:35 AM to 5:00 AM. The guest bedroom from 8:30 PM to 10:30 PM and 1:35 AM to 5:00 AM. The living room camera that was set up at 2:20 AM until 9:00 AM has no footage until 5:00 AM. The handheld camera is completely gone. We heard a little girl’s voice with our own ears three different times through out the night all from the same area…the top of the stairs. She said the same thing each time “Momma!” We managed to capture some EVP/ghost box sessions and some small clips with some strange light anomalies in the nursery!”