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26 June 2024
5:30 am - 11:30 am

Benedictine College Eucharist Pilgrimage

Pilgrims walking along the western St. Junipero Serra Route, named for the missionary priest who walked thousands of miles ministering to the Spanish settlers and indigenous people in 1700s California, will reach Atchison on June 25, 2024. The group will spend the night in Adoration at Benedictine College and will celebrate Mass on the morning of June 26 before continuing their procession east.

You can become a pilgrim and participate in the procession across the Missouri River bridge, through Atchison, and up to the Benedictine campus on June 25, 2024! There will also be a dinner, a Christian music concert, Mass, and Adoration. RSVP for the procession in Atchison and for related events using the link below.

Benedictine College and the National Eucharistic Revival

Benedictine College, 1020 N. Second Street
Atchison, KS 66002 United States